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This website was created by VLL's Company

Welcome... TO VLL's Web Site

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No events at the moment
The App

We serve many purpose on here...

Hello... here's the story

blank for now...


ft. Games and OS

VLL's Features

High Speed

VLL's PC is a best performace Pc in the world

A not everyday support

We could not provide 24/7  support due to internet and Life situiations! 


my games has a security that has a custom anti-modification. 

using Lolink so no modification to files or folders... just the one I provide!

How Space sim Works


Same but flipped!

Blank for now...


Cloud Based

Most of our servers are Cloud based, so... you can play on it through Web sites and Mobile, PC and Game Consoles!

About Us

Our Story

How we have came to be... the ideal at least!

Well, let's take it back to 2018, in 3rd grade

... I made an OS called Lindows! Half Linux and half Windows... 2019 it was called Exzile, 2020 it was called and known as Xzile. 2021, Xzinc aka Mint Studios was founded by Ronreacus Adams (jr)! 2022, another company was founded by Ronreacus Adams (jr.) is Splax. 2023, the company was renamed VLL. it stands for Vulkan Lo Link. We made this and we built this! Powering the Universe Metaverse...hahahahahahahaha!

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